All right all you nigger lovers, now listen up
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rsfckers will eat gwen berry's shit
2021-07-02 00:52:53 UTC
In article
Another America hating nigger in the news. The worst mistake America ever made was to import all these black Africans into America in the first place. Niggers will never be satisfied. They are 1000 times the children of the devil as whites. Most can't break the devil's grip. Niggers are the greatest assets the devil has to create chaos, murders, and destruction. The demoncratic party has managed to bring the stupid high school and college students into the devil's grasp also. They all will see their demon handlers at the final judgment. In the mean time, they will all die in their rebellion and wait in until then hell craving water, give me water. No more turning their back on the flag, no more Facebook and Twitter, no more safe places, no more comfortable homes, no more refreshing glasses of tea and lemon aid, no more computer games, no more friends or family, no more holidays and vacations, no more fornicating with a girlfriend or every girl in sight, just having to wait
in terrible heat, burning their rear ends sitting on a rock, desperately needing a glass of water.
Make sure you inform those sponsoring this black whore of your


United Airlines
Ralph Lauren
Michael Falkner
2021-07-03 12:52:18 UTC
Your local KKK meeting is tonight.

Cereal Pirate
2021-07-23 14:33:59 UTC
While I think you are sorta right. There is no need to get all bent outta shape. The real reality is the only people killing blacks ... Is blacks. The people holding black people back ... Is blacks. You can't cure stupid so stop worrying. Get on with life and let the unevolved return to the neaderthals they are. The kkk white supremacists are no different than the blm black panthers. Trash comes in all colors not just white! The fact that our gov allows the racist acts like what Gwen Berry did just shows their agendas and how sorry they really are. I don't like American but it's my home and if I was lucky to become a professional athlete I wouldn't be so ignorant and racist to turn my back and cover my head. Maybe she should take off the horrible fake lashes and open her eyes. The only current race issues are the ones in their heads !
Johnny RSFCootball
2021-07-24 02:57:28 UTC
While I think you are sorta right. There is no need to get all bent outta shape. The real reality is the only people killing blacks ... Is blacks. The people holding black people back ... Is blacks. You can't cure stupid so stop worrying. Get on with life and let the unevolved return to the neaderthals they are. The kkk white supremacists are no different than the blm black panthers. Trash comes in all colors not just white! The fact that our gov allows the racist acts like what Gwen Berry did just shows their agendas and how sorry they really are. I don't like American but it's my home and if I was lucky to become a professional athlete I wouldn't be so ignorant and racist to turn my back and cover my head. Maybe she should take off the horrible fake lashes and open her eyes. The only current race issues are the ones in their heads !
Grandpa gets cranky when he skips his nap.
