Red States Top Chicago Gun Deaths, Sen John Kennedy FOX NEWS
(too old to reply)
bruce bowser
2023-12-04 04:18:52 UTC
Fox News Reports:
Sen John Kennedy R-LA: Chicago "has become America’s largest outdoor shooting range."
Dr. Ranney: 'Mississippi, Louisiana, and Missouri actually have higher firearm death rates.'

Gun Crime Expert Blasts Red State 'Cherry Picking' By Yale Professor in Senate Hearing: 'Political Bias'
Fox News - Nov 30, 2023
-- https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gun-crime-expert-blasts-red-state-cherry-picking-by-yale-professor-in-senate-hearing-political-bias
2023-12-05 20:39:46 UTC
'Snake Oil Salesmen'
Local resident cross-dressing pervert Bruce Bowser was arrested in the New
York Public Library today. He was wearing a bright yellow dress with holes
exposing strategic places and masturbating while using public computers,
wiping the goo on the keyboards.

According to the duty librarian., this is not the first time Bruce has
been caught doing the perv. Apparently he is a regular on weekends and
holidays when there are lots of women and children present. Bail has been
set at $50,000, cash only.

